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Monday, February 21, 2011

Japanese Family Crest

I was ready for The Japanese family crest class.....Unfortunately my class was cancel, because my teacher is sick. I hope she is getting well soon....I made some purchase today. Actually i was looking for home dec weight fabric for my bag, but they dont have solid color, so i choosed the maroon from Japanese fabrics. After i made payment, i realize that this fabric quite expensive, almost double compare to the regular fabric...even though i used this fabric for my class, when i taught my friend made time i must be more careful:)

I change the fabric for the background. The new one is thicker compare to old fabric


  1. loving the colors you choose!! How far are you???

  2. hi, bettina..I am in my 9 th blocks now.. so many projects in the same time..but they are fun.. are making the same thing?

  3. Wah cantik sekali kain jepang itu. Mau bikin apa? Mau ikut bikin mugrug? :)

  4. hi laura you speak bahasa indonesia? wow..saya lagi bikin quilt king size pakai pola japanese family crest...maaf baru buka blog lagi, i just gave birth on june, sure i will join your mug rug tour.I am thinking what should i make..
